Iterate through ArrayList using an another ArrayList

  • Thread starter Saravanan Rathinavelu
  • Start date

Saravanan Rathinavelu

Let's say there is an ArrayList(s) A and B.
A has 1 column and 5 rows.
B has 10 columns and 10 rows, where column1 on both being
the same with additional rows in B.

Using ArrayList A need to loop through B and pull only
those exist on both ie., 5 rows out of B with 10 columns
and assign it to an another ArrayList say C. Later i can
use C to bind to a DataGrid as well as give an option to
bind the complete B to the DataGrid.

Could someone help me figuring out how to get this done.

Natty Gur


you can use BinarySearch with IComparer.

Natty Gur, CTO
Dao2Com Ltd.
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