item and subitem collections


Ash Jones

I trying to do nested items in a collection.

I've got an item which one of the properties is subitems, which is a
collection of item. can do the root level but if i do a subitem at design
time i get an object not set error. it's like a menuitem or treenode which
can have subitems of the same type. cant find any help on nested items.

is there anyone out there that help?

Many thanks,


Ash Jones

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace AssistApplications.Windows.Forms
public class CategoryItem : System.ComponentModel.Component
private string fTitle;
private CategoryItemCollection fSubItems;
private string fValue;

public CategoryItem()
fSubItems = new CategoryItemCollection();

public string Title
get { return fTitle; }
set { fTitle = value; }
public CategoryItemCollection SubItems
get { return fSubItems; }
public string Value
get { return fValue; }
set { fValue = value; }

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace AssistApplications.Windows.Forms
public class CategoryItemCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase
public delegate void CollectionChange(int index, object value);
private event CollectionChange fInserting;
private event CollectionChange fInsertComplete;

protected override void OnInsert(int index, object value)
CategoryItem item = value as CategoryItem;
if(item.Title == null)
item.Title = String.Concat("Item", Count.ToString());
base.OnInsert(index, item);
if(fInserting != null)
fInserting(index, value);
protected override void OnInsertComplete(int index, object value)
base.OnInsertComplete (index, value);
if(fInsertComplete != null)
fInsertComplete(index, value);

public CategoryItemCollection(){}
public int Add(CategoryItem item)
if(Contains(item)) return -1;
int index = List.Add(item);
//OnAddPanel(new PanelEventArgs(panel));
return index;
public void AddRange(CategoryItem[] items)
foreach(CategoryItem item in items)
public void Remove(int index)
if((index >= Count) || (index < 0))
public CategoryItem this[int index]
if(index < 0 || index >= Count)
return null;
return (CategoryItem)List[index];
public void Insert(int index, CategoryItem item)
List.Insert(index, item);
public int IndexOf(CategoryItem item)
return List.IndexOf(item);
public bool Contains(CategoryItem item)
return InnerList.Contains(item);

public event CollectionChange Inserting
add { fInserting += value; }
remove { fInserting -= value; }
public event CollectionChange InsertComplete
add { fInsertComplete += value; }
remove { fInsertComplete -= value; }

Control class:
refences the items as in item but with the name as Items e.g.

public CategoryItemCollection Items
get { return fItems; }

What I'm trying to do is like treenode and menitems they can subitems of the
same type but trying to do this at design time.
if i load it at runtime it works fine. I have no idea on how to do this and
there is no help out there.




I tried this and it worked fine:
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


CategoryItemCollection oCol = new CategoryItemCollection();

for(int i = 0; i<10; i++)


CategoryItem oItem = new CategoryItem();

oItem.Title = "Item" + i.ToString();

for(int j=0; j<10; j++)


CategoryItem oSubItem = new CategoryItem();

oSubItem.Title = "Subitem" + j.ToString();






ColumnHeader oHeader = new ColumnHeader();

oHeader.Text = "Name";

oHeader.Width = lstResources.Width;


foreach(CategoryItem oColItem in oCol)


ListViewItem oItem;

oItem = new ListViewItem(new string[] {oColItem.Title}

, -1, Color.Empty, Color.White, null);


foreach(CategoryItem oColItem1 in oColItem.SubItems)


ListViewItem oItem1;

oItem1 = new ListViewItem(new string[] {oColItem1.Title}

, -1, Color.Empty, Color.White, null);





Ash Jones said:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace AssistApplications.Windows.Forms
public class CategoryItem : System.ComponentModel.Component
private string fTitle;
private CategoryItemCollection fSubItems;
private string fValue;

public CategoryItem()
fSubItems = new CategoryItemCollection();

public string Title
get { return fTitle; }
set { fTitle = value; }
public CategoryItemCollection SubItems
get { return fSubItems; }
public string Value
get { return fValue; }
set { fValue = value; }

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace AssistApplications.Windows.Forms
public class CategoryItemCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase
public delegate void CollectionChange(int index, object value);
private event CollectionChange fInserting;
private event CollectionChange fInsertComplete;

protected override void OnInsert(int index, object value)
CategoryItem item = value as CategoryItem;
if(item.Title == null)
item.Title = String.Concat("Item", Count.ToString());
base.OnInsert(index, item);
if(fInserting != null)
fInserting(index, value);
protected override void OnInsertComplete(int index, object value)
base.OnInsertComplete (index, value);
if(fInsertComplete != null)
fInsertComplete(index, value);

public CategoryItemCollection(){}
public int Add(CategoryItem item)
if(Contains(item)) return -1;
int index = List.Add(item);
//OnAddPanel(new PanelEventArgs(panel));
return index;
public void AddRange(CategoryItem[] items)
foreach(CategoryItem item in items)
public void Remove(int index)
if((index >= Count) || (index < 0))
public CategoryItem this[int index]
if(index < 0 || index >= Count)
return null;
return (CategoryItem)List[index];
public void Insert(int index, CategoryItem item)
List.Insert(index, item);
public int IndexOf(CategoryItem item)
return List.IndexOf(item);
public bool Contains(CategoryItem item)
return InnerList.Contains(item);

public event CollectionChange Inserting
add { fInserting += value; }
remove { fInserting -= value; }
public event CollectionChange InsertComplete
add { fInsertComplete += value; }
remove { fInsertComplete -= value; }

Control class:
refences the items as in item but with the name as Items e.g.

public CategoryItemCollection Items
get { return fItems; }

What I'm trying to do is like treenode and menitems they can subitems of the
same type but trying to do this at design time.
if i load it at runtime it works fine. I have no idea on how to do this and
there is no help out there.



codewriter said:
Post your code.

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