Issues With User Control Embedded Into Web Page Since Installing .NET 2.0


Markus Kling


I have a rich Forms UserControl which is embedded into a web page. Since
installing .NET 2.0 on the clients, the control stopped loading completly.

- I disabled security completly using caspol -s off => no effect
- I enabled fussion logging => no single entry generated
- I enabled the IEHost log => nothing created
- Changed to another client machine => same issues, same results
- I started writing a new UserControl from scratch and deployed it to the
same server. The control could also not be loaded.

I deployed the same test project to another 2003 server in the same domain,
with equal patch levels (SP1 and latest patches installed) and it worked.

Perhaps a naming issue?

- I tried to change the names => no result
- I compared the HTTP requests to the different server => nothing special

I have no other clue where to start searching!

- The issues stated above are reproducable from any client, such it should
be a server or framework issue.
- I even have a customer which experienced the same problems
- The problem exists for two completly different client applications

Any help appreciated.

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Markus,

Welcome to the ASPNET newsgroup.

From your description, you have some winform controls which are hosted in
IE. The controls work well in IE when you have .net framework 1.0 and 1.1
installed on the client machine, but stop working after you installed .net
framework 2.0 , correct?

As for IE hosted winform control, it will always use the latest .net
framework installed on the client computer. Since you've installed .net
framework 2.0 on the client machine, the IE host control will load the .net
framework 2.0 , also the CAS is also controled by the .net framework 2.0's
CAS setting. Is your CAS policy setting configured in the .net framework
2.0's CAS configuration tool? If not ,you should try set the 2.0's CAS
setting and test again. If that also not work, there may have something
else that may cause the problem, so far I can not make sure what's the
possible cause, but I suggest you create a simple control through .net 2.0
and test is in IE to see whether it can work. If convenient, would you also
post us the page's content and the IIS virtual dir conifiguration info so
that we can also have a look?


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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Markus Kling

Hi Steve,

thanks for your reply.

I allready knew that IE uses the latest framework. And I'm definitly sure
that I'm using the 2.0 tools and not the 1.1 policy / binding / whatever

From my previous reply:

" I started writing a new UserControl from scratch and deployed it to the
same server. The control could also not be loaded."

To again clarify my problem:

- I'm definitly sure that I'm using the 2.0 tools and not the 1.1 policy /
binding / whatever tools.
- I'm sure it is not a security issue, at least not one of the caspol which
I disabled completly using "caspol -s off"
- I'm sure the control gets downloaded by the browser into the temporary IE
directories and I'm sure that the downloaded version matches the dll's I
deployed onto the server
- Windows Firewall is completly disabled through Group Policy
- Virus Scanner has been temporarily turned off, on both client and server
- I'm sure that the problem is not dependant on the control code itself

It just doesn't load into the IEHost which I could conclude from none of the
logs, neither IEHost-log nor binding-log are beeing created at all.

My remaining and only problem is why does it not load from that specific
server. It must be something within the communication and not the control

---- hours later ---

I currently did a network trace and found one significant difference between
the two servers: one is doing chunced HTTP response encoding, the other one
not. I disabled my browser doing HTTP 1.1 and the control loads (HTTP 1.0
does not allow chunced encoding!).

I opened a case via Microsoft Support.

Thanks for your help.

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Thanks for your followup Markus,

Please feel free to post here if you got any progress or shared the result
with us.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

Get Secure!
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