Issue with imported data



OK here is what happens

1 - I create a SQL statment and pull data from a DB into Excel
2 - I edit the data range properties so it doesnt keep the cell format
3 - The data is imported into excel and I format date columns to MMMM/DD/YYYY
4- I then try to use the countif function which should do what I am asking
it to do
5- when I use the function and highligh the column criteria that has 40
results from Aug to Oct I dont see dates as the sample date for the range I
see numerical data like 706;724;724;....

which completly screws ths function argument

NOW if I go to a new sheet and manually create 10 dates and run the countif
function against the dates in the function argument syntax for the sample
range I see the correct data which are the dates (June 13,2000;june 15,2000;

Some please tell me what I am missing here, why is my imported data format
all meessed up, and only when I try to use function arguments


This is a simple countif statment I should not have to use VBA, so I have not
been provided a solution as to why this is occuring.

Why is it I can do this with the data I create manually but not this data I

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