Isolated Storage Space in Internet Permission Set


Jody Gelowitz

Exactly what is the size limit of Isolated Storage in the Internet
permission set?

I have a document indicating it is 10MB

There is another document indicating it is 10240 in size

After running a test to create a directory and an empty file in Isolated
Storate under the Internet permission set, I have found the current size to
be 2048 (sample code at the bottom of this message). This would indicate
that the size is 10Kb in size.

Are my findings correct? If so, is there a way to increase the Isolated
Storage quota under the Internet permissions?


Sample Code
Private Sub DetermineCache()

Dim isoStore As IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile


isoStore = IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForDomain()

CreateDir("Test", isoStore)

MsgBox("Max size: " & isoStore.MaximumSize.ToString & ControlChars.CrLf & _

"Current size: " & isoStore.CurrentSize.ToString)

Catch ex As Exception



If Not isoStore Is Nothing Then



isoStore = Nothing

End If

End Try

End Sub

Private Function CreateFile(ByVal p_strIsoPath As String, ByVal p_isoStore
As IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile) As

Dim isoFile As IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream


isoFile = New IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream(p_strIsoPath,
IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, p_isoStore)

Catch ex As Exception



End Try

Return isoFile

End Function

Private Function CreateDir(ByVal p_strPath As String, ByVal p_isoStore As
IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile) As Boolean

'checks if directory exists in isostorage, creates it if not

Dim bolReturn As Boolean

Dim astrDir() As String


astrDir = p_isoStore.GetDirectoryNames(p_strPath)

If astrDir.Length = 0 Then


End If

bolReturn = True

Catch ex As Exception

bolReturn = False

End Try

Return bolReturn

End Function

Ivan Medvedev [MS]

Jody -
yes, it is 10240 bytes for Internet by default. You can actually see it if
you look at the Internet named permission set in the security policy in the
".NET Framework Configuration" tool (from the control panel) or by running
"caspol -l" in the command line.
You can change that by creating a new permission set (or modifying the
existing Internet permission set), changing the quota value in the
IsolatedStorageFilePermission there and assigning it to the code group
corresponding to the Inernet zone. This can be done using the tools
mentioned above.
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