Is there a way to have colums wrap on a single page



Is there a way to format a spreadsheet so that if I have 2 colums with 75
entries in each colum, when it prints on a page it's 6 colums with 25 entries


Dave Peterson

Not through formatting.

You could have a macro that does the work, but I like to copy the 2 column by 75
row range into MSWord. Then I can use MSWord's built-in ability to use columns
(Format|Column) to make it look nice (and save paper).

Gord Dibben

Not by formatting alone.

You could use a macro to do this.

Sub Set_Three_Times()
Dim iSource As Long
Dim iTarget As Long
Dim cCols As Long
Dim rrows As Long

iSource = 1
iTarget = 1
cCols = InputBox("Original Number of Columns") '2
rrows = InputBox("rows per set") '25
Cells(iSource, "A").Resize(rrows, cCols).Cut _
Destination:=Cells(iTarget, "A")
Cells(iSource + rrows, "A").Resize(rrows, cCols).Cut _
Destination:=Cells(iTarget, (cCols + 1))
Cells(iSource + (2 * rrows), "A").Resize(rrows, cCols).Cut _
Destination:=Cells(iTarget, (2 * cCols) + 1)
iSource = iSource + (rrows * (cCols + 1))
iTarget = iTarget + (rrows + 1)
Loop Until IsEmpty(Cells(iSource, "A").Value)

End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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