IS there a way to find the name of GIF file over Excel cell



Please help, please!!!!

Is there a way to find the name of GIF image over a sheet cell. these
images are small tick marks and I need to store the count of these
images into each respective cell. There can be upto 3 GIF images at the
top left side of a cell.


Dave Peterson

Over a specific cell?

You can cycle through all the pictures and look to see if it's floating over
that cell:

Option Explicit
Sub testme02()

Dim myPict As Picture
Dim myCell as Range

With ActiveSheet
set mycell = .range("L16")
For Each myPict In .Pictures
If Intersect(.Range(myPict.TopLeftCell, _
myPict.BottomRightCell), myCell) Is Nothing Then
'not over this cell
MsgBox myPict.Name
End If
Next myPict
End With
End Sub

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