is there a way to figure windows language version in bat file?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ILiya
  • Start date Start date


In my bat or cmd file I need to figure wich language version of windows xp my bat file is run on and based on this make an appropreate choice. Is there a way to figure this?

In my bat or cmd file I need to figure wich language version of windows xp
my bat file is run on and based on this make an appropreate choice. Is there
a way to figure this?

You could use this batch file:
#@echo off
#goto Start
#Extract the country code from the registry
#regedit /E country.reg "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International"
#for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('type country.reg ^| find /i "Locale"')
do echo Country code=%%~a
#del country.reg
You must remove all # characters. Their only purpose is to mark
the beginning of each line.