Is there a way to close all icon tray programs w/ macro or cmd?



When I install or update software, I like to close all running programs
during the actual process. In XP HE, is there a command that I can execute
that will close out all the running programs as shown in the lower right
icon tray, without shutting down or rebooting Windows?

I can create a macro to kill the process for most programs, but programs
like Zone Alarm Pro and Norton Antivirus Pro require that I right click
their icon in the tray and then select disable or shutdown. How can I
automate these steps?

Dale in San Diego, CA, USA
(e-mail address removed)

francis gerard

it's NOT smart to disable the virus scanner (nav) before installing new
software, why so many people think this is necessary is beyond me, leave it
running, just in case whatever you're installing is (or has become)
infected. that's how many people get their systems compromised, by
disabling the AV before installing something... just plain dumb! there is
absolutely NO harm in leaving the AV running during software installations,
the only exception i make to this rule is when installing a service pack or
hotfix from microsoft. the same rule applies for the firewall... there's no
rational reason for disabling it, imo.

what is your rationale for shutting down stuff before installing software...
i'm curious? it should only be necessary to shutdown the application,
driver, library (.dll, .sys, etc) files that are to be replaced/updated by
the new software installation.

most services can be shutdown (from a cmd/bat file if necessary) with the
NET STOP <servicename> command

as for tray applets, unless necessary, i don't recommend killing them from
the task manager, that's a rather brute force method and can leave the file
system and/or registry in an inconsistent/unknown state if the applet isn't
properly (self) terminated. a better method to end trayapps might be to
determine if their launcher program supports command-line switches for
ending the process' cleanly

----- Original Message -----
From: "dcox5" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 3:18 PM
Subject: Is there a way to close all icon tray programs w/ macro or cmd?

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