Is there a way to backup Favorites,outlook emails,cookies ect...?


paul dallaire

HI! I am having a network problem and as a result I have done things to it
that is leaving me with perhaps the best solution being to re-install
windows . I would like to backup my IE fav, outlook emails, and other
outlook data. cookies as well.

System windows XP sp2

Is there an easier way than to do this manually in explorer?

Paul Dallaire

Karl Too


Here is a tutorial on backing up Outlook email: and another from Microsoft
on backing up all data:;en-us;195719

For IE Favorites: open IE, click File menu, Import and Export, Next button,
Export Favorites (repeat the process and choose Import to restore them after
you reinstall your operating system). Your favorites will be saved as an
html file.

For cookies you could just go to the cookies folders and copy the entire
folder or just the particular cookies you want. You can search for the
cookies folder using Start/Search/For Files and Folders. My cookie folder is
located at C:\Documents and Settings\Owner

Karl Too

A FAST backup is good, but the files are put into a folder (mine was called
USMT2.UNC) and you can't view the contents (for instance, if you decided you
only wanted to keep certain files and not copy them all back you can't with

Mark L. Ferguson said:
try a 'settings only' save from the Fast Wizard.

Save settings and data with the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard (FAST
wizard): Go To:

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