Is there a medianif similar to averageif



I need to calculate the median for a day of the week over an entire year. It
is possible to do this with averageif but is there something similar
calculating the median?

Bernie Deitrick

With worksheetfunctions, Array enter (using Ctrl-Shift-Enter) a formula


That will return the median of numbers in C2:C200 where B2:B200 matched cell

MS Excel MVP

Ron Rosenfeld

I need to calculate the median for a day of the week over an entire year. It
is possible to do this with averageif but is there something similar
calculating the median?

No MEDIANIF. However, you could use an array formula similar to this,
depending on your precise specifications:


After you make the appropriate changes in the references, enter the formula by
holding down <ctrl><shift> while you hit <enter>. Excel will place braces
{...} around the formula.

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