Is the "jdbg" virus real?



Hello I have received an e-mail from a friend saying that he may have sent
me a virus as I am in his address book. According to him I must seek out
and destroy a file called "jdbgmgr.exe" which I have in my Windows/sytem 32
folder. As it wasn't picked up by AVG 7.0 is it really a virus or is the
e-mail warning a chain letter?

Any advice welcome please.

Fred Hilton

I believe that file is a part of XP operating system. It you delete it
something is not going to work properly.


the jdbg (Teddy bear ) is a hoax.It is smething to do with Javascript,so you probably would never use it,but don't remove it.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

This is a very, very old hoax; one of the oldest currently in
circulation. If your antivirus software is current and detects
nothing, you're most likely safe. Do nothing with the named file,
delete the email, and tell whomever sent you the original message to
check their facts before spreading rumors.

Microsoft Debugger Registrar for Java Is Not a Virus;en-us;Q322993

Jdbgmgr.exe file Hoax

It's important to remember that almost _any_ email virus warning
is a hoax, designed primarily to bog down email systems by having
well-meaning but uniformed people send out hundreds of otherwise
valueless email warnings. When you receive a warning like this, the
*first* thing you should do is check its veracity at one or more of
the following web sites:

Symantec Security Response - Hoax Page

F-Secure Security Information Center - Hoaxes

Trend Micro Hoax Encyclopedia, alerts

Bruce Chambers
Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH


Thank you all for putting my mind at rest. I've told the person who sent me
the e-mail it was a hoax, and a very old one at that.

I'm glad I had the sense to post my question to this ng instead of doing
what the e-mail suggested.



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