is the best way - postback login change




I have a login control in a master frame.
In the page_load event handler i check
to see if a user is logged in or not and then
display their name or the login control.

This runs every time a new page is loaded.
Is this an efficient way to do this?

even if i use !ispostback it runs because
navigation isnt posting back.

Thanks for advice


kal said:

I have a login control in a master frame.
In the page_load event handler i check
to see if a user is logged in or not and then
display their name or the login control.

This runs every time a new page is loaded.
Is this an efficient way to do this?

even if i use !ispostback it runs because
navigation isnt posting back.

Thanks for advice


try putting your code in the global.asax file use the session onstart sub

if loggedIn <> true then
end if

now in your login page include


Now if any one tries to navigate to one of your pages without being logged
in they will be directed to the login page, if they are logged in they will
not be tested again

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