is it possible



Ok, here is what I want to do. I have asked this question a couple o
different ways and no one has given me any responses:

I have a list (currently 45 entries) of companies who have entere
complaint this year. I have created a pivot table to give me a coun
of unique companies and how many times they have entered complaints.

From this list and count, i want to create a chart that gives m
company name on the x axis, the # of complaints for each company on th
y axis, and the cum% on the secondary y axis. I need to be able to sor
the data from low to high or high to low.

My pivot table gives me a count of complaints for each company and th
corresponding % of total. I can not figure out how to get the table t
product the Cum% so that I can plot this on the above chart.

The favor of reply would be greatly appreciate

Jason Morin

1. Create your table with a column for cum. % (see
example below):

Company Complaints Cum %
A 12 33%
B 10 61%
C 7 81%
D 5 94%
E 2 100%

2. Select the data and go to Insert > Chart.
3. Click on the "Custom Types" tab and choose "Line -
Column on 2 Axes".

Atlanta, GA


I figured it out. It's kind of convoluted but seems to work. I had t
use formula based upon cpearson's website for finding unique entries
counting them, removing blanks, ranking and then making the cum
calculations. After that, I was able to create the pareto chat (sorte
histogram and cum% line) on 2-Y axies.

The recommendations provided above did not work. The % column (what
inadvertantly called % total) is not adequate for a Pareto analysis.

I do appreciate the time taken to answer though. I've not used pivo
tables before and could only get about 3/4 of the way with it. Afte
studying other posts and finding cpearsons formula, I managed to ge
the information that I needed.

thanks again

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