Is it possible to write a app that runs like a plug in inside a browser window?


Tim Frawley

Excel, Word and Adobe Acrobat will all run standalone or inside a
browser window. How can I get my app to do that?

Peter Huang

Hi Tim,

Thanks for posting in the community.

First of all, I would like to confirm my understanding of your issue.
From your description, I understand that you wants to implement active
document in your application. Just like IE open the PDF, the
acrobat will be created inside IE instead of a standalone app.
Have I fully understood you? If there is anything I misunderstood, please
feel free to let me know.

I think so far the VS.NET 2003 with .NET framework 1.1 haven't supported
the feature now. But we are trying to support this in Whidbey frame(the
next version of .NET framework) , but we can not guarantee this will be

So far I think you can use the MFC to achieve your aim.
Active Documents on the Internet

MFC Active Document Servers

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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Tim Frawley

Thanks Peter,

I guess the method I am really after is the ActiveX type control.

I have created an application as a windows form so to convert it I
created a User Control and copied the controls from my form to the
control and then the code. This is just as a simple test. It has been
compiled as an assembly dll.

I have an article on exactly what I want to do at this address:

but the information is sketchy on what to add in the HTML document to
make it work.

Primarily what I want to know is what goes in this line of code:

<object id="myComponent"
classid="http:[assembly URL]#[full class name]"
height="value" width="value">

My assembly is scaleinput.dll, what goes in [full class name]?

I thought it might be the GUID like D64BF6BD-99C0-4142-AFAC-28DEB98E46F1
but that didn't work. I also tried the ctrInput control in the Dll but
that didn't work either.

Any ideas?

Peter Huang

Hi Tim,

To host a managed usercontrol in the IE, you may need to put the
usercontrol in either the same virtual directory as the web page
that uses it, or it needs to be installed to the global assembly cache on
the server.

Below is an example of how the syntax works.

<object id="simpleControl1"

height="300" width="300" VIEWASTEXT>
<param name="Text" value="Simple Control">

You can get more informaiton by accessing the quickstart at

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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