Is it possible to get Outlook 2003 Integration API from OOM or MAP



Hi all.

I can get objects in MAPI from OOM (Outlook Object Module) using this way:

// Application from IDispatch
CComQIPtr < Outlook::_Application > spApp(Application);
CComPtr < Outlook::_NameSpace > spNameSpace;
_bstr_t bstrType("MAPI");
spApp->GetNamespace(bstrType, &spNameSpace);
CComPtr < IMAPISession > spMAPISession;
CComPtr < IUnknown > spUnknown;
spUnKnown->QueryInterface(IDD_IMAPISession, (void **)&spMAPISession);

I wander whether I can have the same way to get Outlook 2003 Integration
API, for example, to get IOlkAccountManager.

Thank you.

Dmitry Streblechenko

No, since accounts are not at all exposed in Outlook 2003.
Why can't you create a new instance of the IOlkAccountManager interface just
like the integration API suggests?

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

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