Irritating Error in aspnet_wp 1.0?


Axel Dahmen


there is a strange error in aspnet_wp. Here's the story:

My asp:Hyperlink.NavigateUrl links are all relative. ASP.NET creates
absolute paths, though, when rendering, beginning at application root:

NavigateUrl="myPage.aspx" => href="/myApp/myDir/myPage.aspx"

Once I wanted to call the page directly, so I entered the whole URL into IE
6.0.2800. I didn't care for case, so I typed

From this moment on, all the links in my web application are rendered by
aspnet_wp like: href="/myapp/mydir/..." !! - This crashes my Forms
Authentication as the Authentication Cookie path doesn't match the links'
URL now!

I've already tried to delete history and cache from IE, but nothing helps. I
enter the correct URL manually now, nonetheless all the links are still
rendered wrong.


I'm using DOT.NET 1.0 SP1 / VStudio 2002.

Axel Dahmen

Ken Cox [Microsoft MVP]

Not exactly is this resolves your issue, but you might want to use the tilde
(~) in your URLs. ASP.NET interprets that as the root:


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