IrfanView - non standard file saving


Terry Pinnell

IrfanView has many great features, and it's my preference when
launching image files. But I've always wondered why Irfan departed
from the familiar file saving standards? With all other applications,
whether image editors, word processors, whatever, I save a file with
either of the following:

1) NEW FILENAME: File>Save As; or, with keyboard, the sequence Alt-f-a
Frequently that also has the key shortcut F12, although I've got into
the habit of Alt-f-a.

2) SAME FILENAME: File>Save: or, with keyboard, the sequence Alt-f-s.
That invariably has the key shortcut Ctrl+s, which I always while
saving during editing. Not quite such a reflex action as breathing,
but close!

If I pop into IrfanView, fresh from a mixture of other programs I may
be working with at the time, such as Word, PaintShopPro, Excel,
XnView, Notepad, etc, etc, if I forget and use those established
standards, then this is what happens:

* Alt-f-a for some reason changes the view, because IrfanView won't
accept the Alt and 'a' keys being entered consecutively (Alt has to be
held down). Presumably it's interpreting Alt-f-a as View>Display
Options>Fit images to Desktop.

* Alt+f followed by 'a' doesn't work either; it starts my scanner,
because somehow it invokes the Acquire command (which is supposed to
be Ctrl+Shift+a)

* F12 does nothing

* Ctrl+s acts as if I want to save with a new filename, popping up the
file browsing dialogs. For me, this is the most exasperating of these
inconsistencies. I should of course use just 's', but that comes hard!

I'll send an email copy to Irfan for comment


IrfanView has many great features, and it's my preference when
launching image files. But I've always wondered why Irfan departed
from the familiar file saving standards?
..... snip .....
I'll send an email copy to Irfan for comment

Yeah - its the "Save" that acts as "Save as" that gets me!

I would appreciate it if you could post the reply you get from Irfan

Cheers .......


Is it a personal preference OR it is must has feature?
If it is personal preference than I don't know how the author of
software satisfy all the users preference (since everyone have their
own needs).

p/s: Usually I learn the new keypress or hotkey of the new software, I
think it is called "adaptation" or "coping".

Terry Pinnell

WebWalker said:
Is it a personal preference OR it is must has feature?
If it is personal preference than I don't know how the author of
software satisfy all the users preference (since everyone have their
own needs).

p/s: Usually I learn the new keypress or hotkey of the new software, I
think it is called "adaptation" or "coping".

Well, yes, that's what I have to do too. But it's usually confined to
some narrow area of operation, special in some way to the new
application. Not to a common operation with long-established

How would you feel about getting into a new car and finding that you
had to turn the steering wheel left in order to go right? Even if the
car was great in many ways, with lots of innovative features? Maybe
the designer has a nautical background, which would explain it, but
IMO that doesn't excuse the eccentricity <g>.


OzBo said:
Yeah - its the "Save" that acts as "Save as" that gets me!
I believe that behavior is addressed in the Options-->Properties
submenu. Check whether any of the selections on the "Misc. 1" help you
out. If unticked, though, you get no warning if save-as overwrites a
file. The "v" for "saveas", though....

Gabriele Neukam

On that special day, Terry Pinnell, ([email protected]) said...
How would you feel about getting into a new car and finding that you
had to turn the steering wheel left in order to go right?

I had a car in which the light switch on the dashboard turned into a
ring to be turned on the direction indicator lever. Really.

Gabriele Neukam

(e-mail address removed)


I believe that behavior is addressed in the Options-->Properties
submenu. Check whether any of the selections on the "Misc. 1" help you
out. If unticked, though, you get no warning if save-as overwrites a
file. The "v" for "saveas", though....

Mmmm - yes - I never did get around to looking at ALL of the
"hundreds" of options.

Unticking the

Display "Save" dialogue for "File->Save"

does what I want!!

Thanks, Derald!!

"If all else fails read the bloody manual!!"

Terry Pinnell

Derald said:
I believe that behavior is addressed in the Options-->Properties
submenu. Check whether any of the selections on the "Misc. 1" help you
out. If unticked, though, you get no warning if save-as overwrites a
file. The "v" for "saveas", though....

Maybe I'm being even denser than usual, but I don't follow.

1. How does the Misc 1 setting
'Display 'Save'-Dialog for 'File->Save'
to which I assume you're referring help with the problem raised?

2. What do you mean by 'The "v" for "saveas", though....' please?

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