IrDA:IRCOMM only at 9600 bps



IrDA connection works fine with the compact framework,
BUT the maximum transfer rate is only 9600 bps!!!

Does anyone know how to solve this problem??
Where does it come from? With the
poor documentation available, there is no way to change
the speed.

Discovery with IrDA will always start with 9600 bps, but
after the connection is established, the IrDA Stack
should increase the speed to the maximum available from
the IrDA Server.

Can anyone help me?


Boris Nienke

I'm not 100% sure - but i think i've read this in a PocketPC-Community.
Someone has written, that IrDA on a PocketPC isn't that fast because it is
implemented as "a kind of modem device" or somtehing like that... so the
speed is very limited.

If you transfer a file over IR (from PocketPC to PocketPC) you can see,
that it takes much longer than transfering it over BlueTooth. But (fast) IR
could do something about 4 MBit/Seconds IIRC and Bluetooth just 1 MBit/Sec

So i think it's the system itself which is limiting the speed...


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