


Hi ... Can someone tell me why i can't see my
ipconfig ??? I try typing ipconfig in the run command...
Click ok and it comes up but it goes down as fast as it
came up ... Why can't i view this screen ???


-----Original Message-----
Hi ... Can someone tell me why i can't see my
ipconfig ??? I try typing ipconfig in the run command...
Click ok and it comes up but it goes down as fast as it
came up ... Why can't i view this screen ???
Try running it from the command prompt.


Eric Cross

If you want to run it from the Run box, type "cmd /k ipconfig" and press



Hi... Eric thanks that did the job but i am curious is
this the only correct way to type it in the run
command ??? Because i am sure when i first got this
computer all i need to do was type ipconfig and it would
show on my screen but for some reason it doesn't do that
any longer .. Thanks everyone for your support as well


PaulXXX said:
Hi... Eric thanks that did the job but i am curious is
this the only correct way to type it in the run
command ??? Because i am sure when i first got this
computer all i need to do was type ipconfig and it would
show on my screen but for some reason it doesn't do that
any longer .. Thanks everyone for your support as well

To run ipconfig /all in XP
you first have to open the Command Prompt window:

START > RUN > cmd <Press Enter>

Then run these commands (pressing Enter after each command):


ipconfig /all

You might want to try this:

START > RUN > cmd /k ipconfig /all >c:\ipconfig.txt <Press Enter>

(The command prompt window opens - then run the following command)

notepad c:\ipconfig.txt <Press Enter>

(The information is displayed in notepad and you can print it out if so desired)


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