IO locked error


Brian Henry

When a user has a file open and of course .NET cant access it due to it
being locked i get an error back like this through an exception

System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'S:\Care.xls'
because it is being used by another process.

is there any way to trap that specific error and give a user friendly
message back? but on any other errors throw an exception? thanks!

Armin Zingler

Brian Henry said:
When a user has a file open and of course .NET cant access it due to
it being locked i get an error back like this through an exception

System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file
'S:\Care.xls' because it is being used by another process.

is there any way to trap that specific error and give a user
friendly message back? but on any other errors throw an exception?

catch ex as System.IO.IOException
'user friendly message
end try


Brian Henry

That traps all IO errors though... I just want something when the file is
locked to say something like "You already have this file open, please close
it and try agian" before you could do this with error codes, with exceptions
you dont seem to have them anymore that I know of

I still want IO errors like file not found and stuff to throw exceptions
outside of the one i already mentioned



You could examine the exception's Message property. But that runs the risk
that the message could change in future versions of the framework.

Kerry Moorman

Armin Zingler

Brian Henry said:
That traps all IO errors though... I just want something when the
file is locked to say something like "You already have this file
open, please close it and try agian" before you could do this with
error codes, with exceptions you dont seem to have them anymore that
I know of

I still want IO errors like file not found and stuff to throw
exceptions outside of the one i already mentioned

You wrote that you want to catch only IOException, not all other exceptions.
That's what the example does.

You could rethrow the exception if it's one of the exceptions derived from
IOException: (untested)

catch ex as ioexception
if ex.gettype is gettype(ioexception) then
'message here
end if
end try

Another way:
const ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION as integer = 32

Catch ex As IOException When
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error =
end try

However, I'm not sure whether error #32 is the only error that indicates a
sharing violation.


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