invoking an event using a delegate



I would like to invoke an event using a delegate or any other way.

I have declared a delegate as below with the same signature as the event I
wish to invoke.

Delegate Sub DelGroupClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

/* Below is the code that that I have used to invoke an instance of the
delegate */

My question is
Dim Del1 As DelGroupClicked
Del1 = New Delgroupclicked(AddressOf ListBarGroupClick)
/* below I would like to invoke the click event of a 'list bar' so that
It would be as if I had manually clicked the listbar

/* event that I wish to invoke */

Public Shared Sub ListBarGroupClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
GroupClickedEventArgs) Handles ListBar1.GroupClicked
If e.Group.Caption = "Projects" Then
/code left out for succinctness
End If

End Sub

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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