Invoke, threads, and exceptions


Chris Soulsby

If an exception is raised in a non-main thread then it is not handled.
To get around this I created method that would use the invoke method
on the main form to raise this exception on the main thread. For

this.Invoke(new InvokeDelegate(this.ThreadExceptionHandler),new

However, this still does not seem to work correctly as I still get an
unhandled exception. It does not fall back to the main() function
where my catch all code is. Can anyone tell me whats going on?

Thanks for any help.


Jochen Kalmbach

Chris said:
If an exception is raised in a non-main thread then it is not handled.
To get around this I created method that would use the invoke method
on the main form to raise this exception on the main thread.

Why not use:
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new


Do you need a memory-leak finder ?

Dan Cimpoiesu

Try this:
-Put all thread code in a big try catch
-On the catch branch raise an user define event or invoke SendMessage API
-After this you can handle the event in the main App (if you send an message
override the WndProc and catch it)

Hope this helps

Dan Cimpoiesu

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