Invoicing from other entered data


Evan McCutchen


I have two forms (two forms + 1 subform on each making a total of four). The
first main form is for products and its subform is used to record how many
times an employee has quoted our product and at what price. The second is an
invoicing form with a subform that we use for each product that we are
selling and therefore including on that invoice.
Now, for the question:

How can I generate a new invoice for the for the amount that a product has
been quoted for automatically (ie, with the click of a cmdbutton so that the
users won't have to re-type the product deseription, company name, price,
etc on the invoice form)?

Can someone please give me an idea or point me to an example? Thanks alot!!

Evan M
evan AT radiologyonesource DOT com

PC Datasheet

If every sale is ALWAYS preceded by a quote then in your invoice table you
need a foreign key of QuoteID. You then can join your quote table to your
invoice table on QuoteID and do what you want.

If every sale is NOT ALWAYS preceded by a quote then merely include QuoteID
from your quote table as a field (not foreign key) in your invoice table.
Use a combobox or listbox on your invoice form to select the quote where the
sale was quoted. In the row source of the combobox or listbox, include the
fields from the quote table that you want to include on the invoice. Your
row source should look like:
QuoteID, QuoteDesc, Field1, Field2, Field3, etc
Then to get Field1, Field2 and Field3 on your invoice report, you just need
to set the control source of those fields to:
Forms!NameOfInvoiceForm!NameOfCombobox.Column(2) 'Field1
Forms!NameOfInvoiceForm!NameOfCombobox.Column(3) 'Field2
Forms!NameOfInvoiceForm!NameOfCombobox.Column(4) 'Field3

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