Invisibile parts of web pages ..



My Dad's pc has got a problem with not being able to view the complete web
page, we have only noticed this @ MS so far. I am unable to assertain when
this problem started...or even if other web sites are affected, like if it
was after a patch or whatever, as the pc is a friends. He is mobile malicious
code free, as I have checked,and after removal no change. Have tried a safe
boot too...and consulted an expert and we are both thinking maybe this
invisibility is caused by a patch. Anyone getting the same invisibility
problem ? There is no error report to send, as responding fine, and page is
fully loaded, just can't actually see it all. If I moved the mouse carefully
I could get download tabs, but without actually seeing what I was clicking.


I'm having this problem too and am totally baffled by it. The problem occurs
on a website I designed and actually rebuilt to try to find a problem with
the website. I've since decided it's not the website at all. I can see the
site fine on my old computer running Windows 98/IE6. I can also see it
perfectly on a machine running Windows XP/Netscape. I've also had friends
check it on various systems. But on my office computer running Winows XP
Pro/IE6 and Mozilla I'm not seeing several images. Another interesting point
is I can see the images in the site on this computer when I few the pages
locally but not when I load them to the server. There appears to be nothing
different in the code for the images that are visible compared to the images
that are invisible.

If anyone has any ideas about what is causing this problem, I would be most


My operating system is XP Pro SP 2 and browser is IE6.0 SP2. The problem also
occurs with Mozilla 1.6.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE

1. You might want to refresh your scripting engine:
Windows Script 5.6 for Windows 2000 and XP

Sometimes there's a corrupt file in the cache and one must go to Tools |
Internet Options and click Delete Files.

2a. Start>Run>Regsvr32 vbscript.dll

2b. Start>Run>Regsvr32 jscript.dll

(WinXP users who have problems with 2a and 2b, see

3. Re-register all DLLs listed in
also see

4. See also
Error Message When You Browse the Web: An Error Has Occurred in the Script
on This Page
Scripting Errors When You View Web Pages in Internet Explorer after
Installing Office 2003

5a. IE Tools>Internet Options>Advanced>Browsing>Enable third-party browser
extensions (uncheck & reboot).

5b. Find the hijacker that caused 5a to be checked (or if none were checked,
check for hijackware anyway):

Dealing with Hijackware

How to Troubleshoot Script Errors in Internet Explorer

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email
Protect your PC


A couple of the links are broken, and I am afraid that this fixes will not be
able to be tried till I have gathered all info required. I have the download,
and am asking a boffin pal to help, as this is way above my head ! But I
would like to have all the info I can to show him. Thankyou Frank.


Check to see if he has Norton Adblocker installed. If so, disable it and I
think you'll be able to see the images. This is what solved the problem for
me. Apparently, Norton is a little over-agressive in blocking images that
might be ads. cg


I have done that, thanks cgweb, that is something I CAN do !
Unfortunately looking like script engine problem as Dad did have a broswer
hijacker, that I removed. So gonna let my "boffin" pal deal with it.....I am
out of my depth and scared of doing something fatal ! Glad you got yours
sorted though.

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