inventory of mounted drives (which class?)


Steven Platt

I am trying to inventory all the drives that my workstations have mounted at
the present time. What class do I need to be looking at? Or is there a way
to do this with WScript.Network? Any comments are appreciated.


Scott McNairy \(MVP\)

You will want to take a look at the Win32_LogicalDisk class for this, note
that you may want to limit it down to instances with drivetype = 3 (local
drives only), you can do this by using the ExecQuery call with this query.

select * from win32_logicaldisk where driveType = 3

Steven Platt

I found a class on google called Win32_MountPoint. That only works for
Windows 2003. And then I found a class(Win32_MappedLogicalDisk) that lists
all the mounted drives that works on 2003 and XP but not on 2000. I have XP
and 2000 on all of my workstations. I would really like to see where these
MappedLogicalDisk's are pointed to. Does anyone know a way around this for
XP and 2000? Please help me, I am trying to redo AD/Logon scripts. The way
it is setup now is with Kixtart. I really don't want to manually inventory
all the computers in this office(32 of them).


Scott McNairy \(MVP\)

Oh, Mapped Logical Disks, if you need to see where they are pointed to can
be returned by this query against Win32_LogicalDisk, Win32_MappedLogicalDisk
doesn't give you the location pointed to, Win32_LogicalDisk exposes this
information in the ProviderName property.

select * from win32_logicaldisk where driveType = 4

instance of Win32_LogicalDisk
Caption = "Z:";
Compressed = FALSE;
CreationClassName = "Win32_LogicalDisk";
Description = "Network Connection";
DeviceID = "Z:";
DriveType = 4;
FileSystem = "NTFS";
FreeSpace = "36341739520";
MaximumComponentLength = 255;
MediaType = 0;
Name = "Z:";
ProviderName = "\\\\products\\public";
Size = "36413280256";
SupportsDiskQuotas = TRUE;
SupportsFileBasedCompression = TRUE;
SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
SystemName = "SCOTTSLAPTOP";
VolumeName = "D_Drive";
VolumeSerialNumber = "16C02CE8";

Steven Platt

You are a lifesaver, thanks Scott.

Scott McNairy (MVP) said:
Oh, Mapped Logical Disks, if you need to see where they are pointed to can
be returned by this query against Win32_LogicalDisk,
Win32_MappedLogicalDisk doesn't give you the location pointed to,
Win32_LogicalDisk exposes this information in the ProviderName property.

select * from win32_logicaldisk where driveType = 4

instance of Win32_LogicalDisk
Caption = "Z:";
Compressed = FALSE;
CreationClassName = "Win32_LogicalDisk";
Description = "Network Connection";
DeviceID = "Z:";
DriveType = 4;
FileSystem = "NTFS";
FreeSpace = "36341739520";
MaximumComponentLength = 255;
MediaType = 0;
Name = "Z:";
ProviderName = "\\\\products\\public";
Size = "36413280256";
SupportsDiskQuotas = TRUE;
SupportsFileBasedCompression = TRUE;
SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
SystemName = "SCOTTSLAPTOP";
VolumeName = "D_Drive";
VolumeSerialNumber = "16C02CE8";

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