Invalid Printer Specified

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I have a web application running on IIS 6 with .net 2,I am using
ReportDocument object model in crystal reports to print some reports, I am
not using the report viewer control, it is all in the code, the user just
press a custom link, and then the report is printed.

Here are the printing methods

PrintOptions printOptions = report.PrintOptions;
printOptions.PrinterName = printerName;
printOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
printOptions.PaperSize = PaperSize.PaperA4;
printOptions.PrinterDuplex = PrinterDuplex.Simplex;
report.PrintToPrinter(numberOfCopies, false, 0, 0);

Now my problem is the report prints as long as the (IIS process user) whose
identity is used to run the w3wp, is phisically logged on the IIS server, but
if no user is logged on I got the “Invalid Printer specified†error.

I tried to add the printer to the default user account on IIS server using
ther article in here

And also add it explicity to (IIS process user) but the same erorr is still
in place

Any ideas will be mostly appreciated .

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Luke Zhang
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Hi All,
here is our situation we have Windows Server 2008 Standard OS (64 bit) and logged in as an administrator and we have installed a windows service service with another account which belongs to Administrator group.
So OS is running under and administrator group and the windows service running on a different user which is in administrator group.
Shortly what this windows service does is using Crystal Reports template and sening to a network printer. During this process we get the error message "Invalid Printer Spcecified". When we remove the template
just try to send it to the printer, this time we get error message "invalid handle". When we reboot/restart the server, it work both ways however we want to be successfully without rebooting/restarting the server.
Note: the printer driver is OK.
Shortly is there any way to accomplish without rebooting the server. We used some tools like PSEXEC but did not help.
Remember if we reboot everything ok .
Thanks and regards,
Selami Ozlu
(e-mail address removed)