Invalid argument in access form



I have a Database which has been made up and is used in office 2000
professional. I have got up to 186 records on the one and only form. The form
consists of text boxes and 1 oelbound box in which i place jpg files. The
size of the database to date is 2.00 GB (2,147,483,648 bytes).

When i try to add another record i get Invalid Argument and can only ok it
then close the form down losing any data just added. Having read the help
files i still can't find a way round this problem.

I can add form ID (key) to many new records but when trying to add data to
the new records on the form this is when i get Invalid argument, the text or
oleobject which is added in any order still brings up this problem. This
data base neds to get larger but with this problem I'm stuck and going
nowhere . I need some fast help on this please

Jeff Boyce


The maximum size of an Access database is ... 2 GB.

If you have only 186 records, I suspect you have embedded images (which
causes bloat in the file size).

Given that your database is already at 2 GB, it probably doesn't have room
to do a Compact & Repair, but just in case... First, make a backup copy of
the .mdb file. Then try opening the database file and going to the database
window (use F11). Click on Tools | Database ... | Compact & Repair.

If it worked, your database should be smaller, and, I suspect, you'll stop
getting that error message.

The solution, long-term, would be not to store images in the database.

By the way, Access stores data in tables, and displays it via forms and
reports. Your database is not storing the data "in the form".

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner


i have tried this method you gave me but the file still remains large even
though i have removed 3 of the largest parts of data from the database IE
notes, olebound object and another colum from the table. i still have a
database of 2gb. Looks like i'll have to spend time on this one. either
that or start a new database up

thanks for the help if you any other ideas apart from changing to windows xp
and using acesss 2007 i'd like to hear from you. This is a home project and
im unemployed so the expence of replacing software is a non starter at present

Jeff Boyce


Even if you "remove" objects, Access doesn't recapture the space until you
run Compact & Repair.

First make a backup copy.

Or you could create a new empty MDB and import all the piece from your 2 GB


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

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