intersection of named ranges


Dave B

My worksheet has several named rows (e.g. "Wins", "Losses", etc). If I
were to name the columns as well (e.g. "Year1999", "Year2005", etc),
could I use the named ranges in a formula to get, say, wins for year
2002? Something like ... =INTERSECTION(WINS,Year1999). Is there a
built-in formula (or combination of fuormulas) in Excel 2000 that will
do this?

If not, can I at least use the named rows in my formulas ... e.g.
something like =Cells(Wins, "C") ?

I'd like to do this using built-in functions, although if I have to
I'll use a custom function. Thanks.

Bob Phillips

=WINS Year1999



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Dave B

Thanks. What about using just the row name? (For pasting the formula
across all the columns) e.g. =WINS ThisColumn

Dave B

Sorry to bother. =WINS does it (Excel automatically uses the current
column ... how nice)

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