Internet explorer


Jason T

How do you adjust/change settings....if there is a
way! that when I open Internet explorer it
opens a full screen window?

It used to, byt without any knowledge why, it has started
opening with a half-sized window(approx)

any help/ideas


Jose Francisco

Greetings Jason,

Please follow these steps below:

1) Right click on the IE icon in the quicklaunch and choose "Properties"
2) In the "Run" box, choose "Maximized"

Thanks and best of luck!

Open Internet Explorer, make sure that it's NOT opened in the Maximized view, depress your
left mouse button and drag the edges of the Window until it fills the area that you want,
then close Internet Explorer. The setting should be retained. A pop up that didn't fill
the full area might have been the last window that you closed, thus saving your current
smaller window setting.


Jason said:
How do you adjust/change settings....if there is a
way! that when I open Internet explorer it
opens a full screen window?

It used to, byt without any knowledge why, it has started
opening with a half-sized window(approx)

any help/ideas


When you close the window after dragging it to full screen use the File
| Close option rather than the X close. Also don't use the maximize
button to make it full screen.

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