Internet Explorer Update



It has been a long time since I have been able to update my computer. I have
just recently upgraded from Windows ME/IE5 to Windows XP/IE6. Now when I
click my Internet Explorer Update link on my Start Menu it doesn'nt work. I
have tried going directly to the IE Update site, but it doesn't seem to go
thru the usual scanning my computer, etc procedure that it used to. Has this
all changed or do I need a different link on my Start Menu now?

Ron Hinds

Rod Lockwood said:
It has been a long time since I have been able to update my computer. I have
just recently upgraded from Windows ME/IE5 to Windows XP/IE6. Now when I
click my Internet Explorer Update link on my Start Menu it doesn'nt work. I
have tried going directly to the IE Update site, but it doesn't seem to go
thru the usual scanning my computer, etc procedure that it used to. Has this
all changed or do I need a different link on my Start Menu now?

It has changed somewhat, on Microsoft's end, that is. But from IE 6 you
should still be able to select Tools | Windows Update and it will take you
to the appropriate site. I think the reason is MS would prefer you use the
"Auto Updater", which isn't exactly *my* preference!

Jan Il

Hi Rod :)

It could be several things, so check the information here and see if it

Windows Update Troubleshooter

MS04-040: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer -12/01/04

Courtesy of Frank Saunders -

Windows Update Fails:
Click on START and the RUN put in each line seen below and clicked on
OK. (do each one line at a time)
REGSVR32 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuapi.dll
REGSVR32 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wuaueng.dll
REGSVR32 C:\WINDOWS\System32\atl.dll
REGSVR32 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wucltui.dll
REGSVR32 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wups.dll

Disable your anti-virus when obtaining the updates.
Make sure that your firewall is allowing the connection to Windows Update .
This would be on ports 80 and 443.
If no joy -
Windows Update Checklist
This newsgroup is read by MS staff:

Windows Updates

Microsoft Makes Windows Update Site Nonfunctional

If still no joy....

A possible workaround for the Windows Update not working.

Use Notepad to add the following to your
"C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" file:

Save the notepad file.

Close IE and reopen and see if it works.


Un-Hosing Windows Update


Windows Update not working -

Go to the Windows Update site as you usually do. When you get there, copy
the address that appears in the browser's address bar.
Click the Tools menu, then click Internet Options.
Click on the Security tab. Click on the Trusted Sites icon and then click on
the Sites button.
In the Trusted Sites dialog box, paste the address into the Add this Web
site to the zone text box. Remove the checkmark from the Require server
verification (https:) for all sites in this zone checkbox. Click the Add
Click OK.
Click OK again.

If all the above fails..........

IE is a core part of the XP operating system, and cannot be uninstalled,
only repaired or reinstalled. Try the following and see if it helps:

Hope this helps :)

Jan :)
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that's why they're so contagious.

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One thing before I check the other stuff out: I forgot to mention the other
possibility that the Internet Explorer Update might now be part of the
Windows Update so that updating Windows automatically updates Internet
Explorer. Could that be it? From everything that you and Ron have sent that
is what it looks like.

Jan Il

Hi Rod :)

Unlike previous versions of Windows, IE is a core part of the XP operating
system, not a separate program. In view of this, IE can not be uninstalled
in XP, but, it can be repaired or reinstalled.

Here are some links for information that may answer your questions on this

What's new in Windows XP

Windows XP From A-Z

A Troubleshooting Guide to Windows XP (and things which also apply to Win9.x

WinXP SP2 What is New for Internet Explorer and Outlook Express

Windows XP How To Articles

Hope this helps :)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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Hi Jan 8)

Put more simply, I should remove the old WinME Internet Explorer Update link

Jan Il

Hi Rod :)
Hi Jan 8)

Put more simply, I should remove the old WinME Internet Explorer Update
on my Start Menu as it is no longer needed. IE is now updated thru the
Windows Update link, correct?

If you are not longer using ME, yes. If you are using XP, there should be a
Windows Update tab on the Start menu for you to click that will take you to
the update site.

It's ok...I went from using ME since 2000 to W2k last October, and jumped
into XP Pro last December! It does take a bit of getting used to. I now
have them each on a separate drive and triple boot. I hate to part with my
ME.... it's like an old pair of fuzzy slippers. :)))

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.


There always was a Windows Update tab, but the IE Update tab was separate.

I completely replaced Windows ME. I have my customizations for the colors,
etc. In fact XP made it easier to reset the schemes by tieing in more closely
with the Plus! desktop themes. My only complaint is that there isn't any
direct way to overlay my color scheme to the XP-style windows. I'll figure
out how to write theme files for XP eventually.

I would also like to upgrade my Plus! that came with IE 4 and WinME, but I
think I'll probably have to buy the latest version separately now. Also when
I upgraded to XP it changed my registry so that most of my programs needed to
be re-registered. All the modules of Works Suite 2000/1 are insisting I need
to re-install even though I just did.

At least XP doesn't create those stupid "OEM-inf" null files that WinME did
whenever new hardware was installed or re-installed. And now my ethernet card
works. WinME just didn't have the drivers and it was too late to update. (I
hadn't been online since 2001.)

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