internet explorer problem?


quy nguyen

I am using windows XP SP2. Recently, my internet explorer has trouble of launching. When I open it, a popup window prompt for st wrong and ask for sending report to Microsoft. If I click on either buttons, The internet explorer closed. I try to remove and reinstall the internet explorer but it could not help. The problem is I could not go to internet to disable any add-ons program to solve the problem. Because I am not able launch the Internet, I am not able to down load or update new browsers.Do you have any suggestions? Thank you very much


I am using windows XP SP2. Recently, my internet explorer has trouble of launching. When I open it, a popup window prompt for st wrong and ask for sending report to Microsoft. If I click on either buttons, The internet explorer closed. I try to remove and reinstall the internet explorer but it could not help. The problem is I could not go to internet to disable any add-ons program to solve the problem. Because I am not able launch the Internet, I am not able to down load or update new browsers.Do you have any suggestions? Thank you very much

Hello, quy
Have you tried logging on to another user profile & running IE from

quy nguyen

there is only me is a user there is no other profile. Would I create a new


there is only me is a user there is no other profile. Would I create a new

Hello, quy!
That's what I would try; assuming you're able to log on to a
profile w/ administrative privileges, go ahead & create another user
profile, make it an administrator, log onto it & attempt to run IE
from there. Best of Luck [:p

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