Internet Explorer Error "Unable To Locate Page"




I am running WindowsXP SP2 with IE 6. I recently started having a problem
with IE6. More of an annoyance than a problem. When I double click on a htm
file on my hard drive IE6 give me the following message.

Windows cannot find "d:\my documents\my webs\ups
stationary\upsstationary.htm". Make sure you typed the name correctly, and
then try again. To search for a file, click the start button, and then click

1st - I did not type the url into explorer. I double clicked on the file.
2nd - It doesnt matter what "htm" file I click on or where it is on my hard
drive I get the same message.
3rd - Even though I get that error message the file opens up anyway.
4th - If I already have an IE6 window open (no matter what web site or htm
file I have open I dont get the message at all. It just opens up the file I
am double clicking on with no problems.

This wasnt happening until recently. It seems to have started happening
after I downloaded some updates from Windows Updates and installed them.

I have checked the File Types under Folder Options for the "htm" file type.
It appears to all be set up correctly. However I am not sure what the DDE
settings should be for IE6. Not quite up on DDE settings as I probably
should be.

Any one have a suggestion?

Please let me know


Don Varnau

Try it with "Use DDE" checked and/or unchecked. I don't know that either
setting is "right."

[Speculation] Clear the IE cache. IE> Tools> Internet Options> General>
files (and delete offline content when that dialog pops up) It's often
recommended that the TIF folder be kept at about 50-60 MB (Settings.)

Hope this helps,

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