internet explorer con't open multi site



I am having problem with my internet explorer 6.0 (windows xp)
when I open internet search website, I con't open multi website in one time,i only can open one website,than i search another website it overwrite.why? anybody can help,thank.

David Dickinson

If I understand your question correctly, you use a search engine web site
and, when you click on a link in that window, the link opens in the same
window. Am I correct?

This is the expected behavior. Nothing is wrong.

If you use Google to search the internet, you can customize your searches on
their Preferences page so that clicking on a link opens a new window.

However, you can always open a link in a new window by right-clicking on it
and then click on "Open i New Window".

If I have not understood your situation because of our language differences,
please try again.

David Dickinson
eis at softhome dot net


I am also not quiet sure what you are saying. If you mean that you have a website open and then search for something else using the address bar of the open window, then it is normal for it to "overright" the first page. If you want to search for something else and keep the first window open, go to Start and open another window by pressing Internet Explorer.

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