internet downloading



Hello, I have a question and hope someone can help. I have been thru the
internet trying to find a solution to no avail.

I noticed some time ago that My computer is constanly downloading. I can see
the network connection monitor in the taskbar and it is always downloading.
I did a search of files using date and time, and I have found a directory
that is always being updated. I think this is where the downloads are going.

the directory is /windows/system32/wbem/repository/f5

does anyone know what this is. I don't understand what could be going there.

thanks in advance

Wesley Vogel

I know of nothing that needs downloaded to

WMI, Windows management Instrumentation, uses that folder.

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS has: INDEX.BTR, INDEX.MAP,

Notice the last folder name is FS not F5. If you actually have F5 you have
other problems.

Update your antivirus software and run a full system scan.

Update whatever anti-spyware applications that you have and run a full
system scan with each one.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


Thota Umesh

these files are normal dont worry u are not infected this activity is done
by Wmiprvse.exe windows host process.


You are correct, it is FS.

I updated and ran My anti-virus and My spyware programs. I rebooted with no

Thota wrote not to worry, that it is a host process. Could someone help Me
with that. I would like to know what is happening. If this program continues
to download to my computer, will the hard-drive not eventually fill. I had
My computer on for about an hour, and it downloaded about 20 megs. It is
also sending out info.

Thank You

Wesley Vogel

I know of nothing that needs downloaded to

Yes the files there get updated, but not over the net!

You do not know where whatever seems to be downloading to?

You do not know for sure that there is downloading going on?

What are you using for a firewall?

What does your firewall say is happening?

To see what is connected, open a command prompt...
Start | Run | Type: cmd | Click OK |
When a command prompt opens, type:

netstat -ano

Hit your Enter key.

You can look at the PID column and match up the number with the PID column
in the Task Manager.

Open the Task Manager...
Ctrl + Shift + Esc | Click the Processes tab |
If you do not have the PID column showing, click View |
Select Columns | Check: PID (Process Identifier) | Click OK

Or if you have XP Pro you can use tasklist.exe to show the PIDs.

Open a command prompt, type: tasklist /svc and hit Enter.

-a Displays all connections and listening ports.
-n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.
-o Displays the owning process ID associated with each connection.

/SVC Displays services in each process.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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