Intern Strings - am I using them right? Please help!



Intern Strings - am I usingthem right.

I have heard a lot about intern string - so I wanted to use them to
increas e speed of processing.

I have a hastable that I am using to parse a string of the form:

wordA wordB wordC wordD etc etc

I want to de-duplicate the string - that is, remove any repeated words
so that only 1 occurance of the word exists.

Its working fine - takes about 25 mins to do all the strings that I
have for it so I intriduced the line:


in an effort in incrase spped of processing. My question is though -
am I using intern string correctly? Am I msiing anything or using them
incorrectly? Any comments/suggestions/code-samples much appreciated.


******** CODE AS FOLLOWS ********

Public Function DeDuplicate(ByVal str As String) As String
Dim ht As New Hashtable

Dim s As String
For Each s In str.Split(" "c)
If Not ht.ContainsKey(s) Then
ht.Add(s, s)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

'Convert hashtable -> string
Dim deDupStr As String
Dim Item As DictionaryEntry
For Each Item In ht
deDupStr += Item.Value.ToString + " "

Return deDupStr.Trim()

End Function

Mattias Sjögren

I have heard a lot about intern string - so I wanted to use them to
increas e speed of processing.

I think you could gain more by using a StringBuilder when recreating
the stirng instead of the += operator.


in an effort in incrase spped of processing. My question is though -
am I using intern string correctly?

Why do you think interning ths string would make your processing
faster? Did you see any performance increase?



Mattias said:
I think you could gain more by using a StringBuilder when recreating
the stirng instead of the += operator.

Thanks. I'll try this and see does it imporve speed of processing.
Why do you think interning ths string would make your processing
faster? Did you see any performance increase?

No - afraid not. Nothing amazing to make me sit up.

Hope I used them right...

Thank for your help Mattias.

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