interim values from custom control


Jon Paal

I have a custom server control which renders some html.

I want to capture some interim values generated by the control as it processes the data.

is there a way to capture and retrieve the interim values generated by the control, so they can be used elsewhere in the display
page ?

Karl Seguin [MVP]

Raise an event in your user control, have anyone who cares to hook into the
event and retrieve the event argument.


Jon Paal

not sure how to get an event raised for my situation.

the primary use of the custom control is achieved with :

"<cc1:myCustomControl id="CustomControl1" runat="server" />"

properties are assigned programatically with a call to "LoadProperties(CustomControl1)"

Sub LoadProperties(oThis)
othis.Chart_align = "center"
End Sub

and this part works.

then my weak attempt to get an interim arraylist back from the custom control

.............. code start ...

'create a new instance of control
Dim oDisplay as myCustomControl = New myCustomControl
call LoadProperties(oDisplay )

'create new arraylist
Dim myArrayList As New ArrayList()

'populate arraylist
myArrayList = oDisplay.buildarraylist()

............. end code .....

This fails because it's not accepting the properties, but it does accept them on the first instance above ??

------------- error msg -----------------
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

Line 1415: writer.AddAttribute("align", Chart_align.ToString() )

Karl Seguin [MVP]

you need to define an event in your control, ala:

public event ValueChanged() as CommandEventHandler

have a function that raises it

private sub RaiseValueChanged(newValue as string)
dim args as new CommandEventArgs("ValueChanged", newValue)
RaiseEvent ValueChanged(args)
end sub

you can then hook into the event on the page..

AddHandler othis.ValueChanged, AddressOf(SomeFunction)

sub SomeFunction(source as object, e as CommandEventArgs)
dim newValue as string = e.CommandArgument
end sub

not sure if all that is right...should give you some ideas...



Jon Paal said:
not sure how to get an event raised for my situation.

the primary use of the custom control is achieved with :

"<cc1:myCustomControl id="CustomControl1" runat="server" />"

properties are assigned programatically with a call to

Sub LoadProperties(oThis)
othis.Chart_align = "center"
End Sub

and this part works.

then my weak attempt to get an interim arraylist back from the custom

............. code start ...

'create a new instance of control
Dim oDisplay as myCustomControl = New myCustomControl
call LoadProperties(oDisplay )

'create new arraylist
Dim myArrayList As New ArrayList()

'populate arraylist
myArrayList = oDisplay.buildarraylist()

............ end code .....

This fails because it's not accepting the properties, but it does accept
them on the first instance above ??

------------- error msg -----------------
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set
to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

Line 1415: writer.AddAttribute("align",
Chart_align.ToString() )

"Karl Seguin [MVP]" <karl REMOVE @ REMOVE openmymind REMOVEMETOO . ANDME
net> wrote in message news:[email protected]...

Jon Paal

thanks for trying to help me.

I must be very thick, or I must be stating my question all wrong, because this doesn't seem applicable. I can't see any way to
implement this.

I'll try to rethink/restate my problem and do another posting.

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