Intergrating SQL Server Reporting Services into an ASP.NET app


Brendan Reynolds

I'm trying to integrate SQL Server Reporting Services reports into an
ASP.NET app (SRS 2000, ASP.NET 1.1). I know how to do this using direct URL
addressing, but this exposes in the query string parameters that should not
be exposed. Each user is associated with a school, and should see only that
school's data. When the user logs in, I retrieve the SchoolID associated
with that user, and that SchoolID is used as a parameter in all stored
procedures to return only that school's data. It is this SchoolID that needs
to be passed to the report. It doesn't matter if users see the SchoolID, but
they must not be able to change the SchoolID, as they can if it forms part
of the URL.

From the documentation and from previous discussions in the SRS newsgroup,
it appears that there are four possible solutions to this:

1) Wait for SRS 2005 which I understand is due in November.

2) Use the web service instead of URL access and write a lot of code to
provide functionality you get built-in when using URL access.

3) Use URL access through a form POST method, as suggested in SRS Books

4) Require users to log in again when accessing reports, despite having
already logged in to the ASP.NET app. The report would prompt the user for
user name and password, and pass these to the stored procedures instead of
the SchoolID. This would avoid having to pass the SchoolID from the ASP.NET
app to the reports, but I'm not sure that the users will accept the
inconvenience. (The passwords are of course stored in encrypted form, so
I'll need to add code to the reports to encrypt the password supplied by the
user, but that's a separate issue.)

My questions are:

1) Can anyone confirm that the next version really does solve this problem?

2) Any pointers to resources on using the web service, particularly on how
to control rendering and how to reproduce the functionality of the toolbar
you get when using URL access, would be welcome. (I already know about SRS
Books Online and the articles reachable from the MSDN SQL Server Developer

3) Can I use the POST method as suggested in SRS Books Online from within an
ASP.NET app? I thought an ASP.NET page could only post back to itself, is
that not so?

Please don't feel that you have to have answers to all of these questions
before responding - suggestions or advice regarding any part of the problem
would be most welcome.

Frank Matthiesen

Brendan Reynolds wrote:

5). Do the users call the report with their own credentials? If yes you
could read the username via USER!UserID and pass that to the database where
you hopefully have a table with mapping SchoolID <-> Username.




hi brendan

here's the solution I used (with a little bit of verbage to describe my

1. I've built an ASP.NET site (in addition to the regular SSRS interface for
2. This addition site looks almost like the browser interface for this
discussion group (ie. Treeview control on the left which groups 'like'
reports and an iframe right half which brings up the report criteria form
associated with the selected report, from the Treeview control on the left).
3. on 'View Report' click from the iframed report(s) criteria page, I do the
following in ASP.NET:

Dim popupScript As String = "<script language='javascript'>"
& _
"var newwin ='ReportViewer.aspx?id=myreportid&qs=myquerystring',
'ReportViewer', 'menubar=no, toolbar=no, resizable=no');
Page.RegisterStartupScript("PopupScript", popupScript)

4. This opens up ReportViewer.aspx which iframes the call to SSRS. The
benefits of this is different report interfaces can be built on differents
sites AND there are no issue with this approach as far as 'cross-site
scripting'. For instance, my financial group has the own SSRS ASP.NET
interface, as well as other groups... They ALL point in the pop-up to the
SSRS site and get a previewed report (with report parameter fields if they
want to make changes). Also, ReportViewer.aspx changes the iframe src value
to what was passed to it from the reportcriteria .aspx.

5. Since the way the pop-up is created, there's no URL Address info and the
ReportViewer.aspx masks the URL by replacing the title.


Brendan Reynolds

They don't, but I could change that. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look
into it.

Brendan Reynolds

Thanks Rob. That looks promising. Unfortunately, my client-side scripting
skills are almost non-existent, and I'm having a hard time getting to grips
with this. Here's what I've done so far ...

I have an ASP.NET page with a listbox that displays available reports and a
literal control for the iframe. Here's the relevant part of the page's HTML

<TD style="HEIGHT: 251px" vAlign="top" width="50%">
<asp:ListBox id="lstReports" runat="server" Width="100%"
Height="295px" AutoPostBack="True">
<TD style="HEIGHT: 251px" vAlign="top" width="50%">
<asp:Literal id="MyLiteral" runat="server">
<IFRAME id="MyIFrame"></IFRAME>

I've translated your code into C#, which is what my page is using, and put
it in the SelectedIndexChanged event procedure of my listbox ...

private void lstReports_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs
string popupScript = @"<script language='javascript'> "
+ @"var newwin ='ReportViewer.aspx?"
+ @"id=myreportid&qs=myquerystring', 'ReportViewer', "
+ @"'menubar=no, toolbar=no, resizable=no'); "
+ @"newwin.window.moveTo(0,0); newwin.window.resizeTo"
+ @"(screen.availWidth, screen.availHeight);"
+ @"newwin.focus();<script>";
this.RegisterStartupScript("PopupScript", popupScript);

My first question is - what do I need to change to load 'ReportViewer.aspx'
into the iframe?

Ernie Gutierrez

As an aside, we happen to use an implementation in which users do in
fact have to authenticate a second time in order to request a report.
It has had but a minor impact on users in our experience, generating no
complaints. I wouldn't rule out that possibility for fear of user



(hopefully, this sample code will make it thru to the forum)

ReportViewer.codebehind (relevant part)...

Private Sub ViewReport(ByVal key As String, ByVal reporttype As String)
Dim iReportViewer As HtmlControl =
CType(Me.FindControl("iReportViewer"), HtmlControl)
Dim rptid As String = Request.QueryString("id")
Dim qs As String = Request.QueryString("qs")
Select Case rptid
Case (this is my report number, ie. "id")
Case (whatever the report # is....)
Case 808 ' my Build Schedule Report
If qs = "All" Then ' they f'd up using All, can't be quoted...
iReportViewer.Attributes("src") =
iReportViewer.Attributes("src") =
"http://localhost/ReportServer?/8_Build_Schedule/rptBuildSchedule_8&BMP='" + qs + "'&rs:Command=Render"
End If
iReportViewer.Attributes("width") = "100%"
iReportViewer.Attributes("height") = "100%"
Case Else
' your exception code
End Select
End Sub

Shell of what you need for ReportViewer.aspx

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false"
Codebehind="ReportViewer.aspx.vb" Inherits="Robs.ReportViewer"%>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>My Little Report Viewer - House or Horror</title>
<meta name="vs_targetSchema"
<iframe runat="server" id="iReportViewer" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR:
#990000" name="doc" frameBorder="no"
width="100%" scrolling="auto" height="100%"></iframe>

That's it...

If you have AD for authentication, it'll take what you have (if SSRS
configured). When I play at home, it puts an 'in my face' login (since I'm
not running AD at home).

Good Luck - Rob

Brendan Reynolds

Thanks Ernie. What about the encryption? The passwords are stored in
encrypted form in the database, so I can't just let the report prompt for
the password as an ordinary report parameter - it has to prompt for it, then
encrypt it, then assign that encrypted value to the report parameter. I know
how to do the encryption, what I don't know is how to 'intercept' the

Brendan Reynolds

Thanks Rob. That almost works. I can display a report in the IFrame without
exposing the SchoolID to the user. Unfortunately, as soon as the user
chooses to export to PDF or Excel, Internet Explorer opens a new window,
with the SchoolID in the URL. Did I overlook something in your explanation
that would have avoided this?

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