Interfacing two fields

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hugh
  • Start date Start date



I am the Sec.of a golf league consisting of 16 players. We play for
individual points each week awarded according to the lowest handicap score,
the lowest receives 16 pts. the next lowest 15 pts. and so on down to the
highest score which would receive 1 pt provided everyone shows. I have a
query set up to determine the handicap scores. If someone does not show on a
given day their handicap score is zero. My problem is this:
I need a way to award the proper points to each player every week and to
keep a running total of the same for each player. Zero scores receive no
points. Now the tricky part, once a player has completed 16 rounds of golf
he is no longer eligible to receive points but the points he would have won,
even though they are not awarded to him, are removed from the field and no
one else can win them either.

I realize what I ask is difficult and may even be beyond the scope of this
group. I have been reading for weeks trying to discover the solution on my
own but to no avail.If anyone can help or direct me to a group that can it
would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


I may not understand the full scope of your handicapping routine, but what
it sounded like is that someone who doesn't show gets the "highest/best"
possible score, a zero, and the best performing individual gets a 1. I
don't see how someone who rarely showed would end up with the smallest
Whomever shoots the lowest handicap score wins the most points, 16.As the
scores go up the points go down, ie, the second lowest score receives 15
pts, the third 14 pts, and so on. If three people do not show on a given day
then the lowest amount of points awarded to the highest shooter would be 4,
the 3,2, & 1 points would not be awarded, instead, the three that didn't
show would each receive 0 for that day. A score of 0 is recorded for the no
Handicap scores and points.
29.96 receives 16 points
30.02 receives 15 pts
30.56 receives 14 pts
I have the db to the point where a query computes the handicap scores based
upon the actual score for each shooter but, unfortunately, I am a beginner
working with Access 2000 and my limited knowledge prevents me from
completion at this time.
Hope this helps.

Thanks for clarifying -- I re-read and see where I went wrong.

Can you be more explicit about what task/tasks you are trying to complete?

I may not understand the full scope of your handicapping routine, but what
it sounded like is that someone who doesn't show gets the "highest/best"
possible score, a zero, and the best performing individual gets a 1. I
don't see how someone who rarely showed would end up with the smallest

As I understand golf handicapping, someone who plays off a handicap of
6 would give shots to (i.e. start off at a disadvantage to) someone
who plays off a handicap of 12. If you are aiming to win a handicapped
competition, you "want" to have the highest possible handicap, so
giving no-shows zero should encourage them to show up in future!

Please respond to the Newsgroup, so that others may benefit from the exchange.
Peter R. Fletcher
The league runs for 18 weeks, you are eligible to earn points for 16 weeks.
Winning player in league for the year is the one with the most points,
second place, the next highest point scorer and so on.
Award points to each player that plays in a given week according to their
handicap score which is established by a query.
Keep a running total for each player of the points they earn each week they
After a player has played 16 weeks stop him from accumulating any more
(In a players seventeenth week of play say he is the lowest handicap scorer
and would have won 16 points for that day, he does not get awarded the 16
points but no other player can be awarded them either.
Players Week Tot PtsToDate PtsWonThisWeek Tot
Player 1 17 179 16
Player2 17 168 15
Player3 16 148 14

I hope this is clear Jeff.


Each player has a handicap which is 80% of the difference between their
total strokes divided the number of weeks they played and par which is 36.
So if a player shoots a 45 in week one and a 41 the second week his total
strokes are 86. 86 divided by 2 = 43. 43-36= 7. 7*.8= 5.60 which is that
players handicap. His handicap will change from week to week according to
how he shoots. That handicap is then subtracted from his next weeks score to
determine his handicap score for that week, ie, if he shoots a 42 the
following week his hdcp score would be 36.40 and that is the score the
points are based upon.


(see responses in-line below)
Award points to each player that plays in a given week according to their
handicap score which is established by a query.

Where are you storing the awarded points for a given week?
Keep a running total for each player of the points they earn each week they

This can also be handled by a query, as it would be the sum of awarded
points over some time period. No need to store the running total.
After a player has played 16 weeks stop him from accumulating any more

Also a query, to tell which players have a total of 16 awarded point
records, so you can exclude them from further point awarding.
(In a players seventeenth week of play say he is the lowest handicap scorer
and would have won 16 points for that day, he does not get awarded the 16
points but no other player can be awarded them either.

Sounds like another query could handle this, or perhaps a pair of queries.
The first would determine points. The second would use the previously
describe (exclude) query to not award the "awarded" points to the excluded

I manually print out a weekly sheet with all the pertinent info on it such
Players name, points taken the previous week, total points to date, handicap
for the present week, handicap score from previous week, etc.

Not knowing how to store the points or to relate them to the handicap scores
is what I'm trying to learn.
