Interface to MS Project



I need to develop a routine that can be used to access data in Microsoft
Project. The concept wouold be that the user would be in Excel but also have
a Microsoft Project file open on their system. While in Excel, the user
would click a button to transfer data out of MS Project into Excel. How do I
reference the MS Project data from within Excel. This will be running on a
Windows operating system if that makes any difference. I only need to know
hw to refernce the MS Project object.

Chip Pearson

In the VBA Editor, go to the Tools menu, choose References, and
scroll down to "Microsoft Project 11.0 Library" (your version
number may vary), and check this entry.

Then, use code like the following:

Dim ProjApp As MSProject.Application
Set ProjApp = New MSProject.Application

You can then access Project via the ProjApp object variable.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC

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