Interactive buttons - why 3 jpgs?



Hi there
I have a "menu bar" of sorts of the top of my page, consisting of 12
interactive buttons. I have all the colors set to the same but when I save
them, I get 3 jpgs for each. Is there a way to have just one jpg for each
menu button without losing the interactive / launch functionality. Thanks!

Mark Fitzpatrick

Interactive buttons have more than one state (such as normal, then
mouseover). Each state is required to have it's own image in order to be
interactive, otherwise it's just an image with a hyperlink and no

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Andrew Murray

There are three "states" to the interactive buttons -

-- 'normal'
(the normal state of the image without the mouse over the image - also
returns to this state if the mouse is moved off the image - see mouseover

-- 'mouse over'
(the image swaps to this state - also returns to this state if the mouse is
un-clicked - see mouse down below)

-- 'mouse down'
(user clicks the mouse button while the mouse is hovered over the image - it
can be used in conjunction with the mouse over or just on its own, so the
'normal' state swaps to the 'mouse down' state when the mouse button is
clicked and returns to normal/mouseover if the button is released)

All the above depends on the settings you have under the interactive button

They need those three states (hence three different images) - that's why
they're called interactive - image swaps caused by user interaction.

So, no you can't have the interactivity without the three (or at least 2)
buttons for each. Since these are 'image swaps' down with javascript/DHTML,
and that's the way it is done.

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