Interacting with a C++ DLL



Unsolved problem ...

I'm new to C# and having a problem with interaction between a (legacy) C++ dll

and functions in my C# module. I'm using a third party C++ DLL, no source

available (so, not possible to rebuilt it with Managed extensions)
At a certain point in my C#-app I have to return the address of a (managed-)

read-buffer into one of the arguments of a callback function, needed by that


The legacy C++ DLL callback interface looks like this
static MC_STATUS MediaToFile( char* Afilename
void* AuserInfo
int* AdataSize
void** AdataBuffer,
int AisFirst
int* AisLast

The fourth callback argument: <void** AdataBuffer> needs to be returned with

the address of the managed buffer used in my C# function
I've implemented the above in C# as follows

public delegate int MediaToFile
string filename
IntPtr info
ref int size
ref IntPtr bufferPtr
int first
ref int last)


//Data read in my C#-app are put into CBinfo.buffer
public class CBinf

public IntPtr stream
public int messageID
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=8192)
public byte[] buffer

// Instantiating it
public CBinfo cbi

//In the MediaToFile implementation I wrote the following
FileStream fs=fi.OpenRead()
nBytesRead=fs.Read(cbi.buffer, 0, nBytes)

Next step, the problem: I have to deliver the "cbi.buffer" location (its

address) to the callback argument: "ref IntPtr bufferPtr"
The DLL apparently needs to 'look back' into the buffer data
How to do this
(In C++ I used to write it like this: *AdataBuffer = CBInfo->buffer;

Doing Marshal.nnn / Unsafe / danger of GarbColl moving the buffer....? Please

advise - Thank you for your time

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