Intel releases dual-core Xeon finally


Bill Davidsen

keith said:
The cache architecture is irrelevant dual-core <> two processors on one

Thank you for playing. Fortunately the vendors think otherwise.


Hopefully? IMO they *should* be fired for buying Intel, particularly if
that is *the* reason.

Maybe I put it down not clear enough but my hope was exactly that one
day someone WILL be fired for buying Intel, especially in case the
brand was the only compelling reason.



Yousuf Khan

Maybe I put it down not clear enough but my hope was exactly that one
day someone WILL be fired for buying Intel, especially in case the
brand was the only compelling reason.

These days, certain classes of servers are bought with no brainpower
used up whatsoever, because they're just commodity now. That seems to
include anything upto two sockets. Above that, because the servers are
more expensive, they do use some decision making powers.

In one of our accounts, they just bought a bunch of IBM eServer xSeries
346's (dual Xeon 1U boxes). Now they're going to have to go ahead and
upgrade their air conditioning system to cope with the added heat. I
said, so why didn't you go with an IBM eServer 326 (dual Opteron 1U)
instead? They never even heard of it.

Yousuf Khan

Yousuf Khan

Alex said:
Boy is that bad reporting! These three quotes came from the same
article above.

I don't know if it's so much bad reporting as it is UBS putting out a
non-sensical opinion.

Yousuf Khan

George Macdonald

I don't know if it's so much bad reporting as it is UBS putting out a
non-sensical opinion.

Take a look here for an alternative view and some "commentary" on that UBS
err, "position":

So umm, UBS admits it has err, "done banking with Intel over the past 12
months". Who woulda thunkit?:)

I'm sure you've also seen the reports all over the place about AMD
outselling Intel in retail desktops. Before any iFan jumps in here, yes we
all know that this is a consumer space, doesn't count Dell or
business sales; all the same, there has to be a lump in Intel's craw and HP
must surely be pleased. I wonder if this result could have something to do
with Chipzilla retracting its claws regarding a certain pending court

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