Integer convert to minutes.



I want to take the solution to a simple arithmetic formula, say 90/18, and
have it output as a value in minutes. I have been unable to figure this one
out. In my spreadsheet, I want the answer for 90/18 to be :05. However, all
the time functions that I have utilized (timevalue, minute, text (x, ":mm") )
are all giving me a value of :01.

Does anyone know how to make that integer display as that number of minutes?

Thanks in advance.

John C

Assuming the 90 & 18 are integers, format your cell as time (as desired).


Excel stores dates and time as real numbers. Portion after the decimal stores
the time part

if you enter the following in a cell
and format that cell as h:mm:ss
then you will see
0:00:01 that is one minute past midnight of 1/1/1900

So to convert any number into minutes divide it by 24*60*60 and format the
cell as h:mm:ss

In your example it will be


John C

Actually, the example you gave is 1 second past midnight, not 1 minute. You
only need to divide by (24*60) to conver to minutes.


Thanks John,

That was a typo on my part... You are right - dividing by (24*60) will
convert to minutes...

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