Insufficient disk space



I am trying to install Lotus Oganizer 97 on my computer. Each time I try I
get the message "Insufficient Disk space". I have 90 gigs free so I know that
isn't a problem. I have installed this program on my desktop also with Vista,
so compatibility shouldn't be the problem either. Any Ideas or suggestions?
Thanx in advance

Charles W Davis

You might check to see if you are trying to install to the recovery
partition, usually a D: disk.


Dickm said:
I am trying to install Lotus Oganizer 97 on my computer. Each time I try I
get the message "Insufficient Disk space". I have 90 gigs free so I know
isn't a problem. I have installed this program on my desktop also with
so compatibility shouldn't be the problem either. Any Ideas or

There are some old programs out there, that when you go over a certain
amount of HD space free, the installer application thinks you have a
negative amount of free space. For example, your HD spits out a free space
amount around 90,000,000,000, but if the program can only count up to like
128,000,000 (128megs), anything over that flips the negative bit on and you
get -128,000,000. It's a math/programming thing, I'm not being accurate
here, but I suspect this is the problem, back in 1997 it was really rare to
have Hard Drives bigger than 100Megs let alone 100Gigs, your install
application is freaking out because the free space on your hard drive is too
big for it to handle correctly.

Call Lotus support, see if they have a workaround.

Bill Yanaire

It seems that Lotus Organizer 97 had issues with Windows XP so it is most
likely not compatable with Vista. By the way, I really liked LO 97, but
when Outlook became the defacto standard, I put LO 97 to rest.

Andy [Ex-MSFT]

Dickm said:
I am trying to install Lotus Oganizer 97 on my computer. Each time I try I
get the message "Insufficient Disk space". I have 90 gigs free so I know
isn't a problem. I have installed this program on my desktop also with
so compatibility shouldn't be the problem either. Any Ideas or

I typed a huge response to this yesterday, but guess it never made it to the

When you install Lotus, the install program FREAKS when you have a huge
number of bytes free on your HD. Basically when the program reads the free
space it stores the number in a variable, 90,000,000,000 is a big number,
chances are the variable space is too small to hold it, so the larger than
average number flips a Bit that it shouldn't and instead of reading 90Gigs,
the installer thinks you have -90Gigs free, and since negative 90gigs is
less space than what it needs to install it exits.

It's not the installers fault, back in 97 rarely did you have more than
128megs of free space on your hard drive, and lotus probably didn't have a
way to test compatibility at the time.

Hack the installer, see if the Application Compatibility Toolkit (look for
it on Microsoft's website, probably can fool the installer into
thinking there's enough space, or call Lotus, see if they have a solution.



I want to thank all of the repliers for their help. I found and installed a
BIOS upgrade then Lotus installed as normal, don't quite understand what
changed but I'm happy.
Thanks again

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