Installing XP over Windows 98 SE


Carole Molina

I am purchasing a new desktop computer with Windows XP
Professional. I have a laptop that has Windows 98, and I
would like to upgrade that computer to XP Professional. I
think that the license agreement for XP says that I can
install the software on both a desktop computer and a
laptop computer if I am the primary user of both
computers. Is it possible for me to use the XP
Professional CD that comes with the new desktop to install
Windows XP on the laptop? Or, is it necessary for me to
purchase an XP Professional CD that says that it is
specifically for the purpose of upgrading from Windows 98?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


You need to buy a separate license for the upgrade. You are confusing the
retail MSOffice license with the WinXP license. A retail MSOffice license
allows for installation on one desktop and one laptop of the user. The WinXP
license only allows for installation on one system, and the OEM license
(which is what you are getting with the desktop) does not allow for
installation on any other machine.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Windows
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Alex Nichol

Carole said:
I am purchasing a new desktop computer with Windows XP
Professional. I have a laptop that has Windows 98, and I
would like to upgrade that computer to XP Professional. I
think that the license agreement for XP says that I can
install the software on both a desktop computer and a
laptop computer if I am the primary user of both

It doesn't. That applies to retail copies of MS Office, but not to
Windows (and never has). You will have to buy a separate copy of XP
(Upgrade). Consider whether you really need the Pro version on the
laptop - Home is only missing things relating to access control in
business networks (and particularly the ability to fully join an NT
domain), and none of those would have been in 98.

for the list of things that are in Pro only. In addition Pro will
support ten simultaneous connections in a network - Home only five

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --


First of all, based upon the description you've provided, you have
an OEM license for WinXP Pro. An OEM version must be sold with a
piece of hardware (normally a motherboard or hard rive, if not an
entire PC) and is _permanently_ bound to the first PC on which it's
installed. An OEM license, once installed, is not legally
transferable to another computer under _any_ circumstances.

Secondly, as it has *always* been with *all* Microsoft operating
systems, it's necessary (to be in compliance with both the EULA, if
not technically) to purchase one WinXP license for each computer on
which it is installed. The only way in which WinXP licensing differs
from that of earlier versions of Windows is that Microsoft has finally
added a copy protection and anti-theft mechanism, Product Activation,
to prevent (or at least make more difficult) multiple installations
using a single license

Bruce Chambers

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