Installing Web Cam



I cannot install my web cam, QuickCam Pro 4000, it says the camera device is currenty in use by another application. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled. When I look in device manager, it isn't installing it under imaging devices, it is under other. I cannot seem to find a device driver to install when I go to logitech website. Can anyone help me please


Hi ... what i would do is the following ... First go to
the add and remove and delete logitech 4000 , Once that
is done right click your start , follow by explore and
look under program files find logitech ,,, delete it from
there ... Then go back to start >>> search <<< do a
serach for logitech 4000 , delete everything it fines if
it does ( make sure when doing a search that its set to
look at your c drive ).... then go to your recycle bin
and delete everything in there ... Now is a good time to
restart your computer .... Once restarted up again go

Hope that works ... post back if u still having problems

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