I've been trying to get my Serial ATA Western Digital 36GB
hard drive to install windows but my trouble is that BIOS
does not detect the SATA HD. I think it's because it's
SATA and not IDE and therefore does not detect it. My MB
is a Asus A7n8x Deluse and supports SATA so it's kinda
weird I can't find any SATA options in BIOS right?
Anyway I'd like to ask if anyone know's where one is, or
can make a dummies guide to installing and loading windows
XP pro on a SATA drive.
I've been doing a little reading and I've read about a
controller, is it like SCSI? Do I need a special PCI card
for the SATA Hard drive or is the SATA drive, a data
cable, and power cable for SATA enough? I have the jumps
enable for SATA support.
TO use SATA is it much like an IDE HD or do I have to have
2 SATA drives and enable RAID stuff?
Do I have to put a dos dics in my floppy and load dos so I
can FDISK and make partitions and format? I thought
windows setup did this but when I use my XP CD for
installing it doesn't let me install or use the recovery
console because it says there is not a hard disc.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
hard drive to install windows but my trouble is that BIOS
does not detect the SATA HD. I think it's because it's
SATA and not IDE and therefore does not detect it. My MB
is a Asus A7n8x Deluse and supports SATA so it's kinda
weird I can't find any SATA options in BIOS right?
Anyway I'd like to ask if anyone know's where one is, or
can make a dummies guide to installing and loading windows
XP pro on a SATA drive.
I've been doing a little reading and I've read about a
controller, is it like SCSI? Do I need a special PCI card
for the SATA Hard drive or is the SATA drive, a data
cable, and power cable for SATA enough? I have the jumps
enable for SATA support.
TO use SATA is it much like an IDE HD or do I have to have
2 SATA drives and enable RAID stuff?
Do I have to put a dos dics in my floppy and load dos so I
can FDISK and make partitions and format? I thought
windows setup did this but when I use my XP CD for
installing it doesn't let me install or use the recovery
console because it says there is not a hard disc.
Thanks in advance for any advice.