Installing programs



How can I get programs to install for all users?
For instance, I have a pop-up stopper loaded on my Admin
account but doesn't appear on any other one. How can I
get this to start-up when I log on as a non-
administrator? Thanks.



i cheat and make the user account admin before installing a
user wide program.otherwise set user to admin and go to
programs folder and hold right click on the launcher
shortcut to the program and then hold and hover on start
and then hover on programs and then hover on startup and
release it there. sounds tougher than it is.


JG said:
How can I get programs to install for all users?
For instance, I have a pop-up stopper loaded on my Admin
account but doesn't appear on any other one. How can I
get this to start-up when I log on as a non-
administrator? Thanks.


The logins for which a program installs depend on how the installation
program was written; there's nothing you can do to force an install for
all users.

With any program that is started from a shortcut, though, just move the
associated shortcut from the individual login to the same location in the
All Users profile. For example, perhaps the shortcut is in C:\documents
and settings\yourlogin\.....\startup -- then move it to C:\documents and
settings\All Users\....\startup.

Almost all programs will work this way, but those that use the MS
Installer will often need to allow the install to "complete" for each user
before that login can actually use the program.

-- DE

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