installing norton



I keep trying to install Norton Internet Security, but I
keep getting a message MSI must be launched through setup.
I have tried and tried and tried to install it. I have
gone through all the Norton Technical Documents, using
the clean up download, uninstalling and re-installing
Norton but nothing works. I don't get help from Norton
or Microsoft. Both want money up front but in the world
I live in, you can not charge for help on a product
especially if you just bought it. I can't charge $30.00
to tell a customer that a red sweater will not run in the
wash. If someone has an answer please reply to the email
Thank you

PA Bear

[Posted and Mailed]

Error: "The MSI must be launched through setup" while installing Norton
Internet SecurityT or Norton Personal FirewallT 2004
This problem may occur because of a problem with the Microsoft Windows
Installer (MSI) or because of a failed removal of a previous version of
Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall.

If the problem is caused by a problem with the Microsoft Windows Installer,
you can run the Microsoft Windows Installer CleanUp Utility to solve this
problem. Follow the procedures outlined in the document Obtaining the
Microsoft Windows Installer CleanUp Utility.

When reinstalling Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall,
follow the steps in the document Reinstalling your Symantec program after a
failed installation or after you see error messages.

If this does not solve the problem, then the error is being caused by a
failed removal of a previous version of Norton Internet Security or Norton
Personal Firewall. In this case, you must follow the procedures outlined in
the document How to uninstall Norton Internet SecurityT or Norton Personal
FirewallT using the RnisUPG.exe removal utility.
HTH - Please Reply to This Thread

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

AumHa Forums

Protect Your PC


I keep trying to install Norton Internet Security, but I
keep getting a message MSI must be launched through setup.
I have tried and tried and tried to install it. I have
gone through all the Norton Technical Documents, using
the clean up download, uninstalling and re-installing
Norton but nothing works. I don't get help from Norton
or Microsoft. Both want money up front but in the world
I live in, you can not charge for help on a product
especially if you just bought it. I can't charge $30.00
to tell a customer that a red sweater will not run in the
wash. If someone has an answer please reply to the email
Thank you

Did you have a previous version of NIS or NPF before?
If so, follow these steps:

After uninstalling the previous version, restart windows to
disconnect the files.
Double check the Uninstaller for LiveReg and LiveUpdate
entries -- Make sure these are also uninstalled before doing
the below.

Open "my Computer" and open the C drive and program files
Open Common Files and delete The Symantec Folder
Back out to the Program files folder and locate NIS folder
and or NPF folder (abrevetiated) Delete these.
Then locate the Symantec Folder and delete it.

In the registry, search for 'symantec' and 'norton'.
Remove all keys that refer to these applications NPF
(Norton Personal Firewall) or NIS (Norton Internet security)

Close all the main keys where you worked in registry,
refresh and close regedit. Restart Windows.

Proceed with a fresh install.

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